A SWOT Analysis

Swot Analysis standards for Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities and Threats. These are fundamentals aspects governing your business and sources of potential barriers, limiting expansion and success. There are 4 main steps to each part, of this Power SWOT analysis;


How has your business initial strength helped your business develop and what changes have happened with competitors and marketplace since last assessment.


How does the business differ from its competitors, why is that? What operations and processes limit the businesses potential growth for development and reaching new market value.


Refurbish the look and image often increase sales. What industry and culture developments can rebrand your business and aid growth.


What new developments are happening within the industry. You marketing and physically use and experience your competitor’s products and services, encourage your staff to have opinions and think independently. Then its feedback and guidance.

At times this may be challenging on schedules and deadlines, but an overall snapshot of your business, it’s performance and running methods is essential in a changing marketplace. This SWOT analysis preview has given you an example of ways to change your business and focus your needs on to the marketplace and expanding your clientele.